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February 10th Commissioners Meeting

February 10th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners voted Tuesday to table for two weeks any decision on the permit application for the Southern Delivery System (SDS) by Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU). The tabling of the SDS decision followed a 4 1/2 hour public hearing in which the commissioners heard both support and opposition for the $1.1 billion water pipeline project. CSU's preferred route for the pipeline is from Pueblo Reservoir but decided to proceed with an application for a permit to run the pipeline along Highway 115 in event the project is rejected by Pueblo County Commissioners.

The Fremont County Commissioners expressed general support for the Highway 115 route but indicated at least two weeks would be needed to draft a set of conditions for the project. The commissioners also indicated they wanted CSU to continue with its efforts to arrive at possible agreements with Beaver Park Water District and the Penrose Water District. Beaver Park Board President Gary Ratdkovich also requested the additional two weeks to try to reach a memorandum of understanding with Springs Utilities to address concerns for their own pipeline and irrigation ditches.

Former Commissioner Dennis Jones urged that the permit be rejected saying at the least Fremont County should require CSU to resubmit its application only if Pueblo County denies its application.

Steve Cool of Penrose was among those supporting the pipeline through Fremont County saying the commissioners should consider the economic impact and to consider that if CSU looks up-river to divert its water it would have a long term negative effect on Arkansas River recreation through the county.

Fremont County Assessor Stacey Seifert said the county could lose some property tax revenue in the future due to the 200 foot easement crossing the fifty different private parcels. She said the loss in value and taxes wouldn't be known until some of those properties actually sell. The assessor's comment brought an offer from Springs Utilities for a 'payment in lieu of taxes' to deal with any lost tax revenue.

SDS Project Manager John Fredell said Springs Utilities is committed to working with Fremont County to ensure that the project meets the needs of all the communities. He said CSU is optimistic that agreements can be reached with Beaver Park Water and Penrose Water District to ensure they can participate in the project.

The Fremont County Commissioners are expected to draft an extensive list of conditions drawn in large part from a document of commitments offered by Springs Utilities officials during the hearing. That document parallels a similar document of conditions being considered by Pueblo County Commissioners. Action on the SDS Fremont County application is expected at the commissioners' February 24th regular meeting.

In the only other major item of business prior to the SDS public hearing, the commissioners approved a bid award to Patch Construction to handle the refurbishing work on a garage unit at the county's District 1 shop building north of Canon City which was damaged in a fire last Christmas eve. Patch Construction submitted the lowest of two bids to reconstruct a roof over the cement block building and complete other repairs for a price of $50,840.