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June 8th Commissioners Meeting

June 8th Commissioners Meeting

Authorization for the Fremont County Building Department to participate in Colorado's manufactured homes inspection program highlighted a brief agenda for the Fremont County Commissioners meeting on Monday. The board approved a resolution which allows the county's building inspectors to handle manufactured home inspections under rules set forth by the Colorado Division of Housing. Building Official Mike Cox said his inspectors have been trained and are reading to begin handling manufactured home inspections.

Cox said in the past most of those inspections were handled by inspectors from the Denver or Colorado Springs area. He said inspectors he has spoken to have no problem with the county taking over those tasks.

District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden said in fact the manufactured home inspections will help keep county inspectors busy in the field while other building permit activity has slowed somewhat. Norden noted that Cox also proposed the idea as a way to bolster some of the revenues for the Building Department.

The commissioners approved a special events beer permit for the Pathfinder Park steering committee which is putting together a fundraiser at the park on the 4th of July. Virginia Patton said the day long event will include roast beef, pork, chicken, and goat. There will be craft sales, games, and other entertainment running from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Pathfinder Park.

The commissioners also approved a special events beer permit for the annual Ranch Rodeo which kicks off the Fremont County Fair on Saturday, July 25th, at the rodeo grounds south of Canon City.

The commissioners regular Tuesday meeting was moved to Monday to allow Commissioner Norden to attend the three day summer conference of Colorado Counties Inc. in Vail. Norden said in the interest of budget constraints the county is facing, only one commissioner would be attending the summer conference and Norden said he would be paying the costs of the conference out of his own pocket.