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Property Tax Notices Mailed

Property Tax Notices Mailed

With property tax bills from the Fremont County Treasurer's Office arriving in mailboxes this week, county officials have prepared information to help taxpayers better understand how their property tax dollars are distributed. County Treasurer Pat McFarland said all tax bills were mailed by her staff on Thursday, January 10th. McFarland said she coordinated efforts with County Assessor Stacy Seifert to insert multiple tax bills and information about Homestead Exemptions into the same envelopes in order to save the county over $4,100 in postage costs.

To assist taxpayers in understanding which government entities receive their property tax dollars to provide various services the Assessor prepared a set of pie charts showing how property taxes are distributed in four key areas of the county. The four charts show property tax distribution for the Canon City area, the Florence area, the Penrose area, and western Fremont County. Large display charts have been posted near the office entrances of both the Treasurer's Office and the Assessor's Office in the County Administration Building so taxpayers can review the information when conducting county business. The charts can also be reviewed on the Treasurer's page on the county's web site at

McFarland and Seifert said their staff members have begun fielding questions from taxpayers about their tax bills. Many questions actually deal with property values that were set in notices of valuation mailed last spring. The Assessor's Office and the commissioners, sitting as the Board of Equalization, adjusted a number of property values last spring and summer during the protest periods.

Any taxpayers who do not receive their tax bills in the mail within the next two weeks should contact the Fremont County Treasurer's Office.