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Administration Building on Four 10-Hour Days through 2012

Administration Building on Four 10-Hour Days through 2012

Acknowledging lengthy and careful consideration of multiple issues, the Fremont County Board of Commissioners voted at their October 11th regular meeting to adopt a 2012 holiday calendar that will keep the Fremont County Administration Building on a schedule of four 10-hour work days through next year.   District 2 Commissioner Debbie Bell said the issue was one on which she eventually changed her mind from when she first took office.   Bell said it was a difficult decision, but she has found the four 10-hour days to be popular with both county employees and a number of citizens.

Commission Chairman Ed Norden said that while he still has reservations about a four day work week he too has heard from employees who have used the opportunity to find other part time work.   Norden said the county went to four day work weeks in 2009 to save on utility costs, and while those savings are difficult to define with energy improvements in the building he said citizens need to understand that the county is still facing critical fiscal problems.    Norden said the thing that convinced him to continue with the four day work weeks for another year was a strong show of support for the schedule from constituents at a recent town hall meeting in Coaldale.

District One Commissioner Mike Stiehl he is convinced that the public appreciates the longer counter hours and accessibility to the county offices that comes with the four 10-hour work days.   Stiehl said it was important for the Board of Commissioners to make this decision and let citizens and employees know that is the schedule moving forward.

The commissioners noted that adoption of the 2012 holiday calendar reflects that three holidays are being restored to county employees that were taken away in 2010 and 2011.   Commissioner Norden said three holidays were originally cut from the calendar because of the extra cost of holiday pay issued to Sheriff’s Department employees who worked holidays and received regular pay and holiday pay.    Norden said because Sheriff Beicker now schedules employees to receive compensatory time off when they work holidays it reduces the budgetary impact.   The action means Fremont County will again observe the holidays of Presidents’ Day in February and Veterans Day in November.   The third holiday restored will allow employees to take a floating holiday during the year.

The commissioners voted at their October 11th meeting to adopt a resolution amending the county’s Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual regarding employees’ sick leave bank.  The amended policy allows employees to apply to the sick leave bank for continuous medical leave or emergencies and not for intermittent leave.   A medical doctor’s statement specifying the nature of the illness or injury will also be required.    The commissioners said the amended policy is intended to prevent abuse of the sick leave bank and maintain the integrity of sick leave time available for those employees who choose to participate.

The commissioners also voted to adopt a policy regarding use, maintenance, and operations of the Fremont County Airport War Memorial Park.   Commissioner Norden explained that over the years since the War Memorial Park was formed it was developed and maintained with a lot of donations and volunteer time.    He said the commissioners recognized the need for a policy so that the responsibilities for the ongoing maintenance of the park and of the names inscribed on the wall are clearly defined.    The policy places responsibility of maintenance of the park with the airport manager and management of the names on the memorial wall and the associated donations with the County Veterans Service Officer.

In other business at the October 11th meeting the commissioners:

  • Approved a six month extension for contingencies for the Lone Eagle minor subdivision along County Road 45 near Howard;
  • Approved the transfer and name change of the Florence Rose Guesthouse at Highway 115 and Lobach Street in Florence from Stephen Moreau to Robert and Barbara Ricigliano;
  • Denied a fee refund requested by Louis Luepke of $150 for the issuance of two addresses which he applied for but later withdrew.