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Applicants Sought for Vacancy on Heritage Commission

The Fremont County Commissioners are seeking letters of interest to fill two vacancies on the Fremont County Heritage Commission.    One of the members of the Heritage Commission, Kay Ellison, resigned her seat to devote her time to other interests.    Kay represented local museums on the Heritage Commission.   The new appointee would serve out the remainder of this term.  This term expires on January 1, 2015.

Another seat to be filled on the Heritage Commission represents Heritage Tourism in the county.  The tourism appointee will complete the balance of a term through the end of this year in addition to another three year term that will run through January 1, 2017.

The Fremont Heritage Commission works to protect, preserve, and enhance the historic features of Fremont County, and to foster and promote understanding of the area’s heritage.   The group meets monthly at the Fremont County Administration Building.

Persons submitting letters of interest for the two vacancies should have an interest in preserving local history, heritage tourism, or an affiliation with any of the museum organizations in Fremont County.    Letters of interest should be mailed, e-mailed, or submitted in person to the Board of County Commissioners, Room 106, 615 Macon Avenue, in Cañon City no later than 4 p.m. Thursday, September 26th 2013.