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April 11th Commissioners' Meeting

April 11th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a Special Review Use Permit for a controversial fire station and community center in the Upper Beaver Creek area near Penrose, but the approval came with a stipulation. The Commissioners gave approval for the Upper Beaver Creek Rural Fire Protection Association to build the fire station at the intersection of County Road #132 and Rimrock Terrace. Several neighbors and members of the Red Rocks homeowners association had written letters and petitions protesting the community center portion of the project. The Commissioners added a contingency that the permit would be issued only after the rural fire protection association and the homeowners group submit an agreement outlining guidelines as to how the facility would be used.

The Commissioners approved a temporary use permit for Gary Stendahl to operate a flea market from May 10th through October 30th on the grounds and parking lot of the Broken Spoke arena south of Highways 50 and 115 at Penrose. The flea market will operate from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday over the six month period.

The Commissioners heard a presentation from Jane Mannon of the Cripple Creek Victor Gold Mine about their Teller County operation. Of the 300 employees at the gold mine, 84 employess commute from Fremont County. The Commissioners took the opportunity to thank the company for a $10,000 contribution towards the $70,000 cost of installing a new deck on a Fremont County bridge on Phantom Canyon Road near the Fremont-Teller County line.

In other action Tuesday the Board of Commissioners:

  • granted a six month extension for the two lot Heart 4 minor subdivision at 6th and 'J' Streets in Penrose;
  • approved a two unit plat for Preston Troutman’s construction of a duplex at 1370 Washington north of Cañon City;
  • and scheduled three public hearings for the May 9th Board meeting dealing with a special review use permit for expansion of the Cody Park Community Church along County Road #27A in the Copper Gulch area, a conditional use permit for a rock quarry west of Cañon City along County Road #69 two miles north of Highway 50, and for expansion of the Seufer Tree Farm nursery on south Raynolds Avenue in the FourMile area.

    The Commissioners also reminded citizens that a public hearing that began at the March 28th Board meeting on the proposed 23rd Amendment to the Fremont County Zoning Resolution will continue at 10 a.m. at the April 25th regular meeting. The Commissioners intend to propose a change to language dealing with orchards and vineyards in the Agricultural Suburban and Agricultural Rural zone districts.