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April 27th Commissioners Meeting

April 27th Commissioners Meeting

After twice tabling the renewal of a liquor license for a popular summer nightspot, the Fremont County Commissioners on April 27th voted to renew the liquor license for the Whitewater Bar and Grill after the owner assured the board that modifications in the operation are being made.

Whitewater owner Ty Seufer appeared before the Commissioners detailing the efforts he had made in recent weeks to bring his bar on Eight-Mile Hill into compliance. The Commissioners had initially tabled action on the liquor license renewal on March 23rd when Seufer failed to appear to address concerns raised by neighbors over loud music coming from the bar on weekends. On April 13th the Commissioners tabled the renewal again after expressing concerns that Whitewater's outdoor serving area was much larger than originally licensed and that modifications had been made to the building which had never been approved of in a license modification application.

Seufer explained that he was installing additional fencing and secured gates, improving closed circuit TV monitoring of the premises, and will make sure the front door is closed after midnight to help mitigate the problems with loud noise. Seufer said that Sheriff Jim Beicker and Canon City Clerk Becky Walker had spent nearly two hours on site with him offering guidance on how to come into compliance with the state liquor code.

Walker sent a written report to the Commissioners who also heard directly from Sheriff Beicker. Beicker said he is satisfied that Seufer is making a diligent effort to become compliant as part of a modification of premises application. The Commissioners unanimously approved the Whitewater's liquor license renewal stipulating that the Sheriff inspect the bar to assure compliance and that Seufer attend the next available licensed vendor training offered at city hall.

The Commissioners also voted to reappoint Dean Sandoval to another three year term on the Fremont County Planning Commission. Sandoval currently serves as chairman of the commission. The County Commissioners said it's important to keep Sandoval on the Planning Commission because of his leadership in working on Fremont County's Master Plan.

Also at the April 27th meeting the Commissioners:
  • Voted to approve annual ambulance licenses for American Medical Response, the Florence Fire Department, the Penrose Fire Department, Northwest EMS, and Arkansas Valley Ambulance;
  • Approved a contract with U.S. Imaging in the amount of $282,000 for the digitizing of all the historical records in the Fremont County Clerk and Recorder's Office plus repair of the bindings and pages of many of the old record books;
  • Approved a 1st Amendment to the Fremont County Building Code establishing provisions for alternative energy systems in one and two family dwellings and townhomes.