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August 10th Board of Commissioners Meeting

August 10th Board of Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners lifted the countywide fire ban at Tuesday’s regular board meeting upon a recommendation from Sheriff Jim Beicker.    Sheriff Beicker said he believed that recent rainfall across the county had adequately reduced the wildfire danger allowing the fire ban to be lifted.   However the Sheriff cautioned residents that they should continue to exercise extreme caution because conditions could change rapidly with any onset of hot, dry weather.

The Commissioners approved a resolution amending the county’s zoning resolution to address the erection of temporary towers.   The Commissioners decided to make the process simpler for temporary towers being erected in agricultural areas.   Under the regulations adopted approval for temporary towers could be granted administratively over the counter if the towers are 200 feet high or less, are in the appropriate zone districts, and meet minimum setback requirements.

The Commissioners approved a site development plan for Royal Gorge Rafting to operate a commercal rafting put-in and take-out site adjacent to the Arkansas River on the southeast corner of the Parkdale river bridge.   The Commissioners waived setback requirements for a storage shed and gazebo to avoid having those buildings positioned in the middle of the parking lot.

Also winning approval from the Commissioners was a conditional use permit for KrauthCo Inc. to operate a stone quarry a mile north of Field Avenue and Red Canyon Road and about three-quarters of a mile east of Red Canyon Road.    The stone pit had previously been permitted and operated by Joe Stock.    Mike Krauth told the board that he would only excavate the slab sandstone when a landscaping project required it.   Krauth said he had conducted a ten year search for a quarry with that kind of landscaping sandstone.   Krauth said he anticipates being able to claim stone off the surface of the ground initially and would not have to excavate for two or three years.   He said there will be no drilling or crushing.   At the request of a neighbor the Commissioners stipulated that any equipment or refuse on sight be stored out of the view of a residence on a nearby ridge.

In other business the Board of Commissioners: 

  • Awarded a bid for parking lot security lighting on the county’s portion of Pathfinder Regional Park to Territory Electric in the amount of $11,775;
  • Approved assignment of the North Cañon Sanitary Sewer Construction Project through the Fremont Sanitation District from High Country Pipeline to HCP Constructors, Inc.    High Country Pipeline won the original bid award but temporarily halted work on the project while the firm underwent reorganization.   The Commissioners were assured earlier this week that work on the sewer project had resumed;  
  • Took note that new video equipment was in use for the first time in the Commissioners Board Room to televise meetings on the Bresnan Cable government access channel.    The City of Cañon City actually owns the equipment.   The new video equipment is being purchased with franchise fees collected through the City of Cañon City.   It replaces equipment more than 30 years old which the county inherited from Cañon City's old city hall.