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August 12th Commissioners Meeting

August 12th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday took formal action to get a contract in place for a third party water expert for the Black Range uranium exploration on the Taylor Ranch. The commissioners voted to authorize Chairman Larry Lasha to sign the contract with Western Water and Land (WWL) of Grand Junction once the firm completes their own legal review of the contract. Once the contract is signed the commissioners will work with WWL to finalize the scope of work to be followed. The commissioners again noted that even while approval of the contract was pending, WWL's Bruce Smith had already initiated communication with Whetstone Associates, the firm hired by Black Range Minerals, to establish protocols for water monitoring wells in the Tallahassee area.

The board approved a resolution of support for an application to Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) for a $200,000 grant to aid in installation of restrooms, bleachers, and lighting at the county's outdoor arena at Pathfinder Regional Park west of Florence. The county's first application for the GOCO funding a year ago was denied.

The commissioners on Tuesday also:
  • Approved a Temporary Use Permit for the Penrose Chamber of Commerce annual Apple Day parade and festivities on October 4th;
  • Approved a three lot preliminary plan for Maple Leaf Estates on ten acres at the southeast corner of Windsor and York Streets north of Canon City for property owned by Ed and Linda Jarosz;
  • Approved a zone change from Business to Ag Suburban for 3 1/2 acres on the north side of Highway 50 at Swissvale owned by Matt Brown;
  • Set public hearings on the September 9th board agenda for the 26th Amendment to the county zoning resolution and to change Fremont County Airport zoning from Airport Industrial Park to the new zone districts of Airport and Industrial Park;
  • and the commissioners received 'Friends of 4-H' awards from the 4-H Families of the Year.