The Fremont County Commissioners present a formal resolution honoring outgoing Fremont County Coroner Dr. Dorothy Twellman for her nearly two decades of service.
Fremont County Coroner Dr. Dorothy Twellman wanted to retire from her post after nearly two decades of service without any fanfare. The Fremont County Board of Commissioners honored her request but would not let Twellman walk away without taking note of her service to the citizens of Fremont County. The Commissioners approved a formal resolution that was read into the record noting that Twellman had earned the respect of the voters through the course of five elections and from medical professionals, law enforcement officials, attorneys, and judicial officials over the years. The resolution also pointed out that Dr. Twellman consistently exhibited an exemplary measure of compassion and empathy to the families of victims she worked with through the years.
Dr. Twellman was appointed Fremont County Coroner in 1995 and announced recently that she intended to resign and retire from the post on January 8th. In the meantime the Board of Commissioners is reviewing applications and resumes from 21 Fremont County residents who have expressed an interest in being appointed as the new coroner. The Commissioners will be interviewing the top prospects from among the applicants and intend to announce the appointment of a new coroner at their January 3rd special meeting so that person can be sworn into office with other elected officials at the January 8th swearing-in ceremony.
Commissioners Debbie Bell and Ed Norden also took time during their December 24th regular meeting to approve a resolution honoring outgoing Commissioner Mike Stiehl. Stiehl has completed two terms as District 1 County Commissioner and chose not to seek re-election. The resolution took note of Stiehl’s dedication and accomplishments during those eight years in his work on the Colorado Workforce Board, the Arkansas Basin Roundtable, the Cotter/Lincoln Park Citizens Advisory Group, and southern Colorado heritage tourism.
The Commissioners on Tuesday also appointed Larry Brown of Penrose to a three year term on the Fremont County Planning Commission replacing Steve Smith of Penrose who did not seek reappointment. The Commissioners said they had four applicants for the seat which has typically represented the Penrose area on the Planning Commission.
In other business the Board of Commissioners:
- Appointed Dave Boden to fill a vacancy on the county’s Board of Zoning Adjustment due to the resignation of Commissioner-elect Tim Payne;
- Appointed Rodger Jump to fill a vacancy on the John C. Fremont Library Board;
- Approved a formal engagement letter with John Cutler and Associates of Denver for performance of the county’s 2012 audit. The Board of Commissioners recently issued a request for proposals for three years of auditing services and the Cutler firm submitted the lowest total three year cost of the proposals received.