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Brookside Town Hall Dedicated

Brookside Town Hall Dedicated

Brookside Mayor Dave Boden is joined by town officials and Deb Downs of the Department of Local Affairs in formally opening the new Brookside Town Hall.

Brookside Mayor Dave Boden and the Town Council formally dedicated the new Brookside Town Hall last Saturday with a ribbon cutting ceremony.    A flag pole in front of the new town hall along with a memorial plaque were part of the dedication ceremony noting the contributions of former Brookside Mayor Ron Frederick who died while construction was underway on the new building.

Boden presented framed photos of the new town hall to a long list of individuals and companies who contributed towards making the project possible.   Boden extended special thanks to Deb Downs of the Colorado Department of Local Affairs who was instrumental in helping Brookside secure a State Energy Impact Grant for the project.

Boden also took note of the contributions of the Fremont County Department of Transportation which donated time and equipment to grade and gravel a new parking lot next to the town hall.    Fremont County Head Start also received special thanks for providing temporary space for the Brookside Town Clerk’s Office while construction was underway.

Brookside celebrated a birthday on Monday.    Brookside was incorporated on May 24, 1913, having gotten it’s start as a mining town related to the Brookside coal mine that was owned and operated by C.F. & I.