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Commissioner Meetings Review

The Fremont County Commissioners honored a retiring member of the District 3 County Road and Bridge Crew at their regular meeting January 24 th . Don Valdez has retired after 12 years of service working with Tallahassee Road Foreman Curtis Stone and the rest of the crew. Commission Chairman Larry Lasha noted Valdez' hard work and dedication over the years saying Valdez was one of the county's best snow plow operators.

The Commissioners also reappointed Ralph Kunselman, George Fletcher, and Elbert Fourtner to the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board. Bud Chess was also reappointed as an honorary lifetime member of the Weed Advisory Board noting his role in organizing Fremont County's fight against noxious weeds when Chess served as the District 3 County Commissioner.
Tara Begrin of the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments (C.O.G.) detailed the 2005-2006 Community Service Block Grant allocations to area counties. At a public hearing Begrin said Fremont County expects to receive a $36,921 block grant that will be directed towards emergency services for low income residents of the county. The C.O.G. distributes the one time assistance directly to needy families with a $300 lifetime limit under the program. Begrin said 500 families were served by the grant money in 2004.

The Commissioners also approved the annual Library Service Agreement with the City of Canon City. The County has again committed $10,000 in financial assistance in 2005 to the Canon City Public Library because of library users who live outside the city limits.