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Commissioner Mtg. Review

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a pair of intergovernmental agreements at the regular board meeting on February 22nd . The Board approved an agreement with the City of Florence setting into place the contract for dispatching service for the Fremont County Sheriff's Department for the next three years. The agreement calls for an initial annual fee of $180,500 plus any annual increases in dispatcher health insurance costs and any pay increases up to five percent. The Florence Police Department is busy preparing for the switchover of Sheriff's dispatching services from the Canon City Police Department on March 1st.

Also approved was an intergovernmental agreement with the John C. Fremont Library District. The agreement recognizes the formal creation of the District and outlines the District's powers and duties. Voters in Florence , Williamsburg , Coal Creek, Rockvale, and the surrounding area approved creation of the library district in last November's election. The district will take over operation of the Florence Public Library from the City of Florence.

The County Commissioners also recognized Donna Pankratz who is retiring from her duties at the Fremont County Assessor's Office. Pankratz has been working as an agricultural and natural resources appraiser in the Assessor's Office. She is retiring after nearly 20 years of service.
The Board approved an extension of a lease agreement with Milo Werner for another five years for the building that houses the satellite office of the Fremont County Clerk and Recorder in Penrose.