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Commissioners Complete Fair Board Appointments

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners met in special session Monday morning to complete the work of making appointments to the Fremont County Fair Board.   That task is typically completed before the end of each calendar year, but this year the Commissioners decided to expand the interview process for its’ various volunteer service committees to include the Fair Board.

For a number of years the Board of Commissioners has made it a point to interview the applicants for seats on the various boards and committees which serve county government.   Until now the Commissioners had never interviewed potential appointees to the Fair Board simply because of the sheer number of members involved.    The Commissioners said that taking the time to interview all the applicants allowed them to meet the people face to face and become more familiar with activities of the Fair Board.

Most recently 17 persons made up the Fremont County Fair Board.   With three Fair Board members seeking reappointment and two vacancies to fill due to resignations, the Board of Commissioners took applications with the intention of not only filling the vacancies but appointing additional members as well.

As part of that comprehensive process the Commissioners interviewed 15 people who submitted letters of interest for appointment to the Fair Board.    In the final analysis the Commissioners decided to make appointments that would bring the Fair Board membership to 19 people.

The Commissioners Monday voted to reappoint Delores Comstock, Don Gray, and Sam Shade to three year terms.   Newly appointed to three year terms on the Fair Board are Maureen Chapman, Jody McKean, Julie Reeves, and Ray Masse.   Lisa West was newly appointed to the Fair Board for one year filling the unexpired term of a member who resigned.