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Commissioners Set Hearing Dates for ‘Over the River’

Commissioners Set Hearing Dates for ‘Over the River’

The Fremont County Commissioners have set two dates to take citizens' comments at a public hearing on artist Christo’s proposed ‘Over the River’ project.   At the December 13th Board of Commissioners meeting a public hearing was set for Wednesday, February 1, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:30 until 3:30 p.m.   The hearing will then recess and be reconvened the following evening, Thursday, February 2nd at the Cotopaxi School from 5:00 until 8:30 p.m.   The commissioners noted that citizens can submit written comment at any time.   Comments can be submitted in writing by either mail, e-mail, or in person to the Fremont County Planning Department.    The commissioners also said citizens will not have to appear at both locations to make their point on the record.

Christo has applied for a Temporary Use Permit from Fremont County to stage the ‘Over the River’ project in the summer of 2014.    In November the Bureau of Land Management issued a record of decision permitting the art project involving draping of translucent fabric panels over a distance of 5.9 miles on the Arkansas River between Cañon City and Salida.    Besides a permit from Fremont County, Christo would also have to acquire permits from Chaffee County, the State Patrol, and the Colorado Department of Transportation.

The commissioners on December 13th also conducted a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Fremont County Zoning Resolution.    The amendment would address some minor language changes, change the reference from “Site Development Plans” to “Commercial Development Plans”, and address some of the concerns raised by Cañon City’s ‘Ad-Hoc’ Committee a year ago dealing with plan review and building permit application process.   In an effort to do so the amendment details the intent of the Planning Department staff to meet with an applicant for a pre-submittal meeting plus when follow up meetings would take place to help guide an applicant through the planning process.  The commissioners also proposed adding a paragraph heading that declares that Fremont County welcomes new businesses and enterprises…..and that applicants are encouraged to meet informally with staff to become familiar with the application process prior to submittal of an application.

During the public hearing Lee Alter enumerated again the concerns of the Tallahassee Area Community regarding extending the time period for setting public hearing dates, the need for better posting of applications and notices on the county’s web site, and concerns about not restricting oral and written comment to allow for more meaningful public input.    The Board of Commissioners and county staff had said that Alter and TAC’s remarks did not represent comment on the proposed amendment but in fact appear to be new amendment language and should be considered later.   Alter disagreed saying his suggestions address language in the same sections of the zoning resolution.

Commission Chairman Ed Norden also addressed a language change proposed by the County Planning Commission in which they want to drop language in the zoning resolution that said the Commission would “not be required” to take comments or public testimony.   Norden said years ago previous Boards of Commissioners recognized that both applicants and citizens disliked the prospect of going through a formal public hearing before the Planning Commission and then have to repeat it at the Board of Commissioners.    Norden said the solution was to drop the formal hearing requirement at the Planning Commission level while still allowing the Commission to determine how much public input they would receive.   Norden said alternative language is now proposed that states “The Commission may hear comments and receive evidence….but shall not hold formal public hearings unless expressly authorized by law or upon request of the Board of County Commissioners”.

The Board of Commissioners tabled adoption of the amendment until the January 24, 2012, meeting to allow more time to review amendment language.   Norden said the commissioners also want to make a change as suggested by County Engineer Don Moore to allow an applicant to submit a preliminary sketch for their Commercial Development Plan and then return again later to the Board of Commissioners for approval of the final plan with detailed specifications.

Also at their December 13th regular meeting the commissioners:

  • Adopted resolutions approved the 2012 county budget, setting a mill levy for collection of property taxes, and appropriating the necessary money to fund the 2012 budget;
  • Set a special board meeting for 2:30 p.m. December 21st to certify property tax mill levies for all taxing entities;
  • Approved a liquor license renewal for Shadow Hills Golf Club;
  • Approved a 2012 holiday calendar for the Department of Social Services;
  • Set a public hearing date of 10:00 a.m. January 10th for a Special Review Use Permit application by Ty Seufer to construct another recreational zip line on 110 acres just northwest of the Parkdale Bridge on Highway 50 west of Cañon City.