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Commissioners Suspend Fire Ban

Commissioners Suspend Fire Ban

For the first time in fourteen weeks the fire ban for unincorporated areas of Fremont County has been lifted. With a recommendation from Fremont County Sheriff Jim Beicker, the Fremont County Commissioners met in special session this morning and approved a resolution suspending the fire ban.

Sheriff Beicker said the frequent rain storms and high relative humidity values in recent weeks prompted him to request that the fire ban be suspended. Sheriff Beicker said the storms themselves caused concern because many of the lightning strikes touched ground and ignited small fires. Beicker said fortunately the small fires would smolder in a tree and then burn themselves out before they could spread.

Commissioner Larry Lasha emphasized that residents across the county should still be particularly careful with fire and open flames. Lasha said fire safety should remain foremost in people's minds regardless of any fire ban.

Commissioner Ed Norden said that while a new fire ban ordinance adopted by the Commissioners on May 23rd granted authority to the Sheriff to set Stage 1, 2, or 3 fire restrictions depending on fire danger conditions, authority for the actual imposition or suspension of the fire ban itself remains with the Board of Commissioners.