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Conservation Easements Workshop Scheduled

Conservation Easements Workshop Scheduled

The Gold Belt Byway Association invites Fremont County landowners to attend a conservation easement workshop in Canon City Wednesday evening May 7th from 5 until 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express. Fremont County Commissioner Mike Stiehl will have opening remarks.

A conservation easement is a legal agreement that ensures a property will be managed in perpetuity according to the landowner's desires. It also qualifies the landowner for significant state and federal tax benefits. Conservation easements can assist landowners in protecting their land, wildlife habitat, scenic areas, and/or historic buildings.

The purpose of the two hour workshop is to enable attendees to begin to understand the process of a conservation easement and its financial benefits under the Internal Revenue Service Code and Colorado tax credit program.

Participants will be treated to a brief overview of a diversity of easement topics. Staff from the Palmer Land Trust and San Isabel Land Protection Trust will make a presentation on conservation easement use and application. Highly qualified, licensed professionals will be available to discuss appraisals and the tax implications of conservation easements. Finally, landowners with conservation easements on their properties will speak about their personal experiences with the process.

The workshop is free of charge. Snacks and beverages will be served. There is no need to RSVP. Contact Charlotte Bumgarner at 719-689-2461 if you have questions.