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Contract Award for Floodwater Dam Repairs

Contract Award for Floodwater Dam Repairs

The Fremont County Commissioners have awarded a bid for the reconstruction of the C-4 stormwater control dam southwest of Canon City. The dam is located about a quarter mile east of Oak Creek Grade Road just below the Shadow Hills golf course. In 2004 the State Engineer ordered the dam repaired or breeched because of subsidence of soil indicated by holes in the top of the dam. Since then Fremont County has been working with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to make preparations for repairing the dam. The NRCS committed $600,000 towards the C-4 dam repairs along with a $60,000, ten percent local funding match from Fremont County.

Much of 2005 was spent in designing the engineering and specifications for the repairs. The Board of Commissioners was finally able to advertise for bids in February. At the March 8th bid opening four bids were received but only two fell within the $660,000 budget for the project. Those bids came from Kirkland Construction Company of Rye which bid $472,811 and Moore's Earthmoving of Canon City which bid $489,327. After an engineering review the Commissioners awarded the contract at their March 14th meeting to Kirkland Construction.

Once the contract is signed Kirkland will have 180 days to complete the work. NRCS and Fremont County officials both expressed pleasure with the bids received. The Commissioners had indicated that because of the county's financial situation and limited cash reserves, if the bids came in over budget the only option may have been to order the dam breeched. The dam prevents floodwater from spreading across a large section of the Lincoln Park neighborhood in event of a large storm.