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Control Field Bindweed Biologically!

Almost anyone who owns even a small piece of land in Colorado is familiar with field bindweed. This noxious weed produces vine-like stems that can be several feet in length. The morning glory type flowers are white or pink, and are produced in abundance.

Field bindweed is one of the most difficult of our weeds to control. It is widespread, surviving in many environments, from very dry to wet. Herbicides usually do nothing more than burn off top growth without affecting roots. Herbicide applications are not appropriate in all circumstances.

Fortunately, a microscopic mite has been introduced as a biological control agent against field bindweed. The bindweed mite, Aceria malherbae, damages only bindweed. Mite feeding produces folded leaves and distorted growth called galls. Heavily galled plants do not produce vines, flowers or seeds. Highly galled plants eventually die. It may take several years for bindweed mites to kill a plant.

Bindweed mites do not work everywhere, and are not the best option for everyone. They will not make bindweed disappear overnight, and they do need some active management. Bindweed mites do not control the weed in all situations.

The impact that bindweed mites have on the plant vary with each site, growing conditions, the number of mites released and time. One must take an active role in mowing the bindweed and moving the mites, and be patient. Once the mites are established, the results will improve over time.

Bindweed Mites can be ordered from the Fremont County CSU Extension Office, County Administration Building, LL10, Canon City. The mites come in a paper bag with enough mites to hopefully start a successful colony. After establishment, mites can be collected and moved to other areas. Most property owners will only need to order one sack. Cost is $10.00 per sack and must be pre-paid when ordered. The last day we can take orders will be Friday, April 29, 2005. Tentative delivery will be May 10-11. Fremont County has reserved 50 sacks so orders will be taken on a first come basis until all 50 sacks are sold. Questions can be directed to Tommy or Verla at 276-7390.