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County Assessor Valuation Appeals

Staff at the Fremont County Assessor’s Office is busy during June reviewing appeals of property valuation assessments. 2005 is a reappraisal year in Colorado and notices of valuation were mailed on May 1st. Assessor’s Office staff members spent many hours during May with property owners reviewing assessed values. Deputy Assessor Pam Gaunt reports that the Assessor’s Office received 76 appeals of commercial property values and over 1,100 appeals of residential property values.

The Assessor’s staff will remain busy during June arriving at decisions on each appeal. Those determinations must be mailed out by June 30th to notify property owners if any adjustments were made on their protests. If property owners are still not satisfied with the Assessor’s value determination they will have until July 15th to file a further appeal to the Fremont County Board of Equalization. The Fremont County Commissioners will sit as the Board of Equalization to conduct any hearings on valuation protests in late July and early August.