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December Planning Commission Agenda

December Planning Commission Agenda

The Fremont County Planning Commission has a single item of new business for their December 4th monthly meeting.    Commission members will consider renewal of a Conditional Use Permit for some self-storage units on the north edge of Cañon City.   Wes Dorsey operates 58 storage units on a one acre site at 1271 Lawrence Street….just north of High Street in North Canon.   His existing conditional use permit is considered a non-conforming use in the Agricultural Estates Zone District and it expires on January 29th.    Fremont County’s zoning resolution permits renewal of such permits if the use was in place at the time the zoning resolution was adopted or amended.   The Planning Commission will consider the renewal based on the existing use.

The only other item of business on the Planning Commission agenda is a workshop to take up further review of the Fremont County Master Plan.    The Planning Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. on December 4th in the County Commissioners Board Room on the lower level of the Fremont County Administration Building.