Deputy Assessor Marty Keen is congratulated by Commissioners Ed Norden, Debbie Bell, and Tim Payne Tuesday after she was named "Employee of the Year" for 2014. (photo courtesy: Carie Canterbury--Daily Record)
The Fremont County Commissioners on Tuesday honored Fremont County Deputy Assessor Marty Keen as the county’s Employee of the Year. The honor is voted upon annually by all of the Fremont County elected officials. Keen was one of eight employees who were nominated for the honor by fellow employees. Keen received several letters of nomination.
The nomination letters for Keen stated her "pride in Fremont County shows" and "her years of loyal service are commendable."
Keen has worked for the county eight years and previously worked for the county seven years. She said she has been nominated for Employee of the Year several times, but being selected for the honor left her speechless.
"We have an awesome, awesome group here, and I do love my boss (Stacey Seifert) truly," she said. "It's wonderful to get up each morning and like going to work — that's a true blessing."
The other seven employees nominated for Employee of the Year included Aaron Broaddus---Facilities Department; Lysa Collins--- Department of Human Services; David Gall---Facilities Department; Linda Leggitt---Fremont County Public Health Department; Francie Mattson---Payroll Director; Carla Roybal--- Department of Human Services; and Amber Warman, Clerk & Recorders Office.