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Energy Impact Grant will Buy Road & Bridge Equipment

Energy Impact Grant will Buy Road & Bridge Equipment

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs has notified Fremont County that the county has been awarded a $405,000 Energy and Mineral Impact grant to replace aging Road and Bridge equipment. The $405,000 grant represents the full amount the county sought in its application. District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden, Road and Bridge Department Shop Foreman Tony Adamic, and Pat Long of the Tallahassee District Road Shop made a formal presentation of the grant request to the Energy and Mineral Advisory Committee when it met in Canon City on July 24th for grant hearings.

Commission Chairman Larry Lasha said the commissioners relied on $200,000 in matching funds the county received in additional revenues in 2008 from the eight year Tabor Timeout ballot measure that Fremont County voters approved last November. Lasha noted that the Tabor Timeout measure on property taxes yielded $427,000 in additional revenues in the 2008 budget to help the county deal with its fiscal problems. The Commissioners committed $250,000 of that money to the Road and Bridge Department.

Norden said what is particularly pleasing is that through this single grant award, using the voter approved money as matching funds, the commissioners were nearly able to double the money. Norden told the Energy Impact Committee that voters had recognized the need for investment in road repairs and equipment and approved the ballot question.

Adamic said the equipment priorities listed for purchase with the grant money include a used tractor-chassis for a water truck, a cab and chassis for the sign department truck, a new tandem dump truck with snowplow, an oil distributor truck, an asphalt paver, and a paving roller.

Lasha said the paving equipment will enable the county to pave some of its own roads and stretch the distance paved when those dollars become available. Lasha commended the Road and Bridge Department staff for preparing the grant application adding that it's the second grant they secured after attending a grant writing class last year.