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Fees Change Proposed for Pathfinder Park Arena

Fees Change Proposed for Pathfinder Park Arena

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners will consider some minor amendments to the policy and rules for the arena at Pathfinder Regional Park including a change in fees charged for use of the arena.    The proposed change in fees reflects a desire by the Board of Commissioners to enable more groups and individual to have access to public use of the arena.   

Currently the charge for daytime use of the arena is $50 for five hours plus a $100 refundable deposit.    The amended fee schedule that is proposed would charge a flat rate of $10 per hour plus the $100 refundable deposit.    Persons or groups would still have to reserve the arena in advance through the Fremont County Extension Office.   The new fee schedule will also reflect charges for nighttime use of the arena under the lights.    With arena lighting now installed the proposed nighttime charge is $60 for the first hour of use and $30 for each additional hour.

The policy amendment would also clarify that only county vehicles or equipment are allowed inside the arena and that no activities could be scheduled that would require use of vehicles in the arena.

On March 22nd the Board of Commissioners tabled consideration of the policy amendment and fee changes to allow citizens an opportunity to review the proposed changes and then appear and make any comment at the Commissioners’ April 12th meeting.

Also under discussion is the possible scheduling of a regular date and time when the arena would be opened for access by the general public with their horses.