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Fire Protection, Zone Change and More Approved

Fire Protection, Zone Change and More Approved

Four public hearings brought little citizen comment as the Board of County Commissioners approved a quarry, an outfitter business, a fire protection garage, and a zone change during the May 23 meeting.

Yevoli Cobblestone Pit, located southeast of Florence, received a Conditional Use Permit to quarry and haul stone. A maximum of 10 trucks per day are allowed during the operating hours of 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Loco Mountain Outfitters came into compliance with a Special Review Use Permit to continue its operation southwest of Texas Creek. The business uses an existing ranch house as the base camp for guided hunting trips for a capacity of six hunters and three guides two months each year.

Deer Mountain Fire Protection District will build a new, heated garage for fire equipment in the Indian Springs Subdivision. The 1-acre site recently was given a subdivision waiver and approval for fire use by the Commissioners. The existing garage will remain.

Journey Quest, a nonprofit rafting and outdoor wilderness ministry, received a zone change from Agricultural Forestry to Rural Highway Business for property near U.S. Highway 50 and County Road 27 near Texas Creek. The parcel is 6.29 acres and lies along the banks of the Arkansas River.

In other business, the Commissioners:

-       Proclaimed May 29 through June 4, 2017, as Family Safety Week in Fremont County.

-       Adopted the Community Wildfire Protection Plan for Indian Springs.

-       Accepted a proposal from Armstrong Consulting for Engineering and Planning Services at the Fremont County Airport for a five-year term.

-       Renewed Optional Premises Cultivation license for Cˆ3 Colorado Springs for a grow located at 685 Highway 115 #B.

-       Ratified the chairman’s signature on Change Order 29 for the Fremont County Justice Center Kitchen ad Laundry remodel. The change saved the county more than $14,500.