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Foster Grandparent Volunteers

Foster Grandparent Volunteers

Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden praised the work of the volunteers who served in the 2005 Foster Grandparents program through Seniors Inc. Norden was the guest speaker at the Foster Grandparents Annual Recognition dinner recently. He praised their work with young school children at the Fremont County Commissioners’ regular board meeting May 24th. The dinner honorees and the hours they contributed included at the Fremont County Head Start: Nora Aragon-853 hours, Louise Bellew-718 hours, Jacqueline Hauser-786 hours, Betty Jean Huckabee-815 hours, Bart Johnson-103 hours, Nona McCoy-629 hours, Winnie Moyers-143 hours, Imogene Sparks-193 hours, Marilyn Treadwell-654 hours, Shirley Weise-862 hours; at Washington Elementary School: Leatha Chastain-604 hours; at McKinley Elementary School: Mary Hickox-490 hours, Robert Masgai-728 hours, Ruth Masgai-894 hours; at Mountain View Core Knowledge School: Alfreda Schoenholtz-466 hours; and at Skyline Elementary: Joan Little-658 hours.

Seniors Inc. reported that since the Foster Grandparents program began locally in 1999, volunteers contributed 29,786 hours of service. At a typical wage for teacher’s aides in the classroom the value of that volunteer work has been estimated at more than $525,000. The County Commissioners salute all of the volunteers who have contributed time to aide children as foster grandparents.