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Fremont County 2005 Benefits Fair

Fremont County 2005 Benefits Fair

An estimated 125 Fremont County employees took advantage of information and services provided at the fifth annual 'Fremont County Benefits Fair' held Friday, February 25th in the lower level atrium of the County Administration Building. Eighteen vendors participated, offering information to employees about insurance, retirement plans, health screenings, communications, and fitness programs.

Fremont County's Information Technology Coordinator Matt Eliason reported that a silent auction of old computer equipment netted over $566 for the county's general fund. The auction was the Commissioner's preferred option instead of paying to have the computer equipment disposed of and recycled.

The CSU Extension staff and 4-H youth assisted with snack and lunch services selling 60 lunch meals, eight dozen cinnamon rolls, and four dozen sticky buns as part of the youth fundraising efforts.

Employees and vendors offered numerous compliments on the day's events. The County Commissioners extend their special thanks to Personnel Assistant Joellen Brown in George Overstreet's Human Resources Department for her efforts in organizing the annual event.