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Fremont County Secures 2006 Gaming Impact Grant

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs has notified the Fremont County Commissioners that Fremont County was awarded a State Gaming Impact grant in the amount of $400,000 for 2006. The grant award was made following a September 15th meeting of the Local Government Limited Gaming Impact Advisory Committee in Gilpin County. Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden and County Engineer Jack Effinger appeared before the committee requesting a grant in the amount of $484,000. The notification letter indicated all of the grant requests exceeded the total amount of money available for distribution.

The County intends to use the grant to complete the final 1.2 miles of asphalt overlay on County Road 11 (High Park Road) next summer. Fremont County last week completed another three miles of the two-inch asphalt overlay project utilizing $415,000 in gaming impact grant money awarded for 2005. The Road and Bridge Department had hoped to complete the 12 miles of overlay in three years but higher asphalt and fuel costs will extend the project into a fourth year in 2006.

Also targeted for spending in 2006 with the $400,000 grant is chip sealing asphalt on 15 miles of Red Canyon and Garden Park Roads north of Canon City, three storage sheds for storing salt and sand for winter maintenance for High Park, Garden Park, and Phantom Canyon Roads that lead into Teller County, and depending on the remaining funds.....chip sealing asphalt on 8 to 12 miles of the High Park Road.

Money awarded from the gaming impact grants for road improvements can only be used on roads impacted by traffic from casino gambling in Teller County. Norden noted that if the County did not receive the gaming impact grants the projects could not be completed because the County currently has no funds of its' own available for any chip seal or asphalt paving work .