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Fremont County Woman is Colorado’s First 2012 West Nile Virus Case

A Fremont County woman has been positively identified as Colorado’s first human case of West Nile Virus (WNV) for 2012.   The 59-year-old woman was hospitalized earlier this month after showing symptoms but has been discharged and is recovering at home.    “West Nile Virus is a serious illness and we want to ensure citizens understand the potential risk associated with WNV infection,” said Fremont County Public Health Director Carla Dionne. “Late July through early September are when most human cases of West Nile Virus have been reported in Colorado.”

West Nile Virus is transmitted by mosquitoes.   Typically, the later part of summer is when mosquitoes are older and more likely to carry the virus.   Hot and dry weather conditions increase the risk for infections in people.   The types of mosquitoes that transmit the virus bite during evening and nighttime hours.   Most people bitten by a WNV infected mosquito show no symptoms of illness.    However, some become sick three to 15 days after exposure.    About one-in-five infected persons will have mild illness with fever, and about one in 150 infected people will become severely ill.   Symptoms of encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and meningitis (inflammation of the spinal cord and brain linings) include stiff neck, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, muscle weakness, convulsions and paralysis.

To ward off potential contact with mosquitoes carrying West Nile Virus, Fremont County residents are encouraged to:

  1. Maintain window and door screening to help keep mosquitoes out of buildings.
  2. Drain puddles in the yard, emptying water from mosquito breeding sites such as buckets, troughs, barrels, old tires or similar sites where mosquitoes lay eggs.
  3. Avoid being outdoors when mosquitoes are most active.
  4. Wear light colored long-sleeved shirts and long pants when outdoors.
  5. Apply insect repellants that contain the active ingredient DEET to exposed skin or clothing, always following the manufacturer's directions for use.

To stay current with all Fremont County Public Health announcements visit the department’s facebook page at:!/FremontCountyPublicHealthAgency.