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Health Officer Warns Consumers of Illegal Tattoo Artists

If you’re sitting in someone’s basement or in someone’s kitchen, bathroom or garage and you’re getting a tattoo, you can bet with 100% certainty that you’re getting an illegal tattoo!

Fremont County adopted rules and regulations governing body art facilities, locations that provide mainly tattoos and body piercings, on June 30, 2009. Up to that date, Fremont County did not have a body art regulation, but the state of Colorado had a set of regulations that had been in place for a number of years, covering the entire state.

Fremont County Environmental Health Office Sid Darden says that under the county’s Body Art Regulations, the location where these procedures are performed must be inspected, approved, licensed, and must meet a set of minimum standards.   Darden also says the body artists who work in these facilities are required to meet minimum standards, including a knowledge of Universal Precautions (a set of precautions designed to prevent the transmission of HIV, hepatitis b and other blood borne pathogens). These procedures are invasive to the human body and if done improperly, can lead to a long list of serious problems including hepatitis b and other serious infections. In addition, there are stringent procedures for sterilizing reusable instruments, using single-use instruments that must be discarded after one use, sterilizing and sanitizing surfaces, having access to handwashing facilities, conducting a monthly spore test to make sure the autoclave is properly sterilizing the reusable instruments and keeping records regarding the same, and the proper disposal of sharps and other items that have been contaminated with bodily fluids.

In addition, Darden says the body art facility is required to keep client records, including completing a client consent form for each client, which includes the name of the body artist, direction on when to consult a physician, detailed after-care instructions, possible side effects from the procedure and an explanation that the body art should be considered permanent. In the case of a minor client (anyone under 18 years old), additional documentation and written permission is required from a custodial parent or legal guardian before a procedure can be performed.

In short, body art procedures performed anywhere, for any reason, except within a licensed body art establishment are against the law.

Currently there are only three licensed body art establishments operating in Fremont County; The Dungeon Inc., Tat’s, and Evo Tat. If you’re getting a body art procedure at any location other then one of these three, it’s illegal.    Keep in mind that locations that only offer piercing of the outer perimeter or lobe of the ear with a sterilized stud-and-clasp ear piercing system are not governed by these regulations.

If you have questions or if you’re interested in opening an approved body art facility in Fremont County, you should contact Fremont County Environmental Health Officer Sid Darden at 276-7460.