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Howard Hall Town Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners are hosting a town hall meeting for western Fremont County residents this Thursday evening, April 21st. The meeting is set for 7:30 p.m. Thursday at the Howard Hall in Howard. Attending will be District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden, District 2 Commissioner Mike Stiehl, and Fremont County Sheriff Jim Beicker. The town hall meeting is the first such meeting conducted in the western end of Fremont County in several years. Commissioners Norden and Stiehl say the meeting was scheduled in an effort to improve communications with the residents in that portion of the county. Both Commissioners say citizens voiced those concerns to them during their 2004 campaigns. The need for town hall meetings in outlying communities to talk about issues was also listed as a goal this year at a recent meeting of all the Fremont County elected officials.

Among topics the Commissioners and the Sheriff will discuss are budgetary issues relating to Road and Bridge finances, the Sheriff’s budget, changes in building inspections in western Fremont County, and after hours response by Sheriff’s deputies. They will also take questions from citizens in attendance.