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Human Services Employees Saluted for Welfare Fraud Recoveries

Human Services Employees Saluted for Welfare Fraud Recoveries

Two Fremont County Department of Human Services (DHS) employees received statewide recognition at a recent meeting in Snowmass of the Colorado Welfare Fraud Council and the United Council on Welfare Fraud.

Shelly Poole, a Fremont County DHS fraud investigator, was named the 'Investigator of the Year' from among local, state, and federal level welfare fraud investigators who were nominated for the award. Poole was instrumental in the recent preparation of a case prosecuted by the District Attorney's Office in Canon City which resulted in misdemeanor and felony convictions. The case also produced restitution of $18,923 for the Low Income Day Care Fund. Poole has worked at Fremont County DHS for nine years and has been a certified welfare fraud investigator with the United Council on Welfare Fraud for two years. She was also recently selected to serve as Treasurer of the Colorado Welfare Fraud Council for 2009.

The other honoree was Melissa Zapien, Eligibility Technician with the Fremont County DHS Office. She received the award for 'Eligibility Technician of the Year' for the State of Colorado. Zapien has been an eligibility technician with the department for four years and has an impressive history of fraud referrals, disqualifications, and recoveries. A case referred to Poole by Ms. Zapien resulted in a client's disqualification from the Food Stamp and Temporary Aid to Needy Families programs for a period of twelve months each. Her efforts resulted in a total recovery of $61,597 because of public assistance benefits that the clients were ineligible to receive.

The two Fremont County DHS employees received their awards at a welfare fraud council joint training conference in Snowmass in mid-September.

Fremont County DHS Executive Director Steve Clifton said not only can citizens be proud of the honors received by Ms. Poole and Ms. Zapien but should particularly be pleased with efforts to root out welfare fraud in the county and make sure public assistance dollars reach qualifying and deserving families.