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January 23rd Commissioners Meeting

January 23rd Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners dealt with a brief agenda for their second formal meeting of the New Year on January 23rd.

The Commissioners updated citizens on their review of the Northfield Coal Mine application for a conditional use permit since the public hearing at the January 9th meeting. Commission Chairman Ed Norden said after a thorough review with staff members they came up with a number of other questions for the applicant and the need for clarification of several issues. Norden said the Board would hope that they would get a response from the applicant to those questions in plenty of time before the tabled item comes up again on the February 13th agenda. He said the applicant or the Commissioners could request more time beyond the February 13th meeting. Norden also explained that since the public record was closed at the January 9th public hearing any additional communication from citizens about the coal mine could not be included as part of that public record.

District 2 Commissioner Larry Lasha also reported that road crews were doing preparation work along County Road 132 in the Upper Beaver Creek area which was destroyed by the July 5th flood last year. The County secured a $194,000 emergency state grant to help rebuild that road this spring. Lasha said some residents in the area have been complaining about the removal of trees but Lasha said people can be assured that trees being removed are in the County's right-of-way and not on private land. He said some trees must be removed in order to properly construct roadside ditches to deal with drainage problems on County Road 132 in the future.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Reappointed Canon City Mayor Bill Jackson to the City's seat for a three year term on the Fremont County Planning Commission;
  • Reappointed Jim Javernick and Mike Welch for three year terms to the Fremont County Board of Zoning Adjustment;
  • Approved a nine month extension for the Loader Subdivision-Filing 2 at 'M' and 10th Streets in Penrose; Authorized the Chairman to sign the contract for the $350,000 Community Development Block grant that will allow Star Point to purchase new offices at 700 South 8th Street in Canon City; and approved two petitions for property tax refunds for heavy equipment because the owners have paid registration fees on those vehicles at the County Clerk's Office.