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July 11th Commissioners' Meeting

July 11th Commissioners' Meeting

Approval of a preliminary plan for a new 73 lot subdivision north of Canon City and an Emergency Disaster Declaration highlighted the agenda during a 2 1/2 hour meeting of the Fremont County Board of Commissioners Tuesday.

The Emergency Disaster Declaration Resolution was approved unanimously and noted the flooding damage that occured July 5th and 6th in eastern Fremont County. The resolution directs the Fremont County Office of Emergency Management to seek and federal and state disaster assistance that would be available to help pay the cost of flood related damage to roads, brudges, and other public facilities.

The Commissioners approved the preliminary plan for the 73 lot Quail Pointe subdivision proposed by J.P. Jean Limited for property located on the east side of Orchard Avenue between Melvina and North Streets. The Commissioners approved the plan over the objections of several neighbors who complained that there is not an adequate water supply for such a development from their current provider, the Park Center Water District.

Neighbor Vaughn McClain noted that letters from the State Engineer continue to call into question the ability for Park Center to provide the water from either their well or through converting irrigation ditch shares to domestic use. The Commissioners included a contingency requiring the developer to provide a copy of the State Engineer's most current letter to any buyers of the lots so there would be full disclosure. But McClain said supplying people with a letter who live out there "doesn't put water in their glass". Linda Pint also voiced concern about Park Center's water supplies for new subdivisions saying "We're there, we pay top dollar for that water".

Commissioner Ed Norden urged Park Center water users to take their concerns to the Park Center Board of Directors. He said the Commissioners are keenly interested in the Park Center water situation, but from a legal standpoint if the Park Center Water District Board makes a pledge to provide a developer with water he believes the County must accept that position.

The Commissioners also approved a zone change from Agricultural Estates Zone District to Business Zone District for 5.5 acres owned by Michele Crosson along the west side of County Road 27A, (Copper Gulch Road) and just 1,400 feet south of Color Sweet Drive. The Commissioners found that switching to a Business Zone is in keeping with other surrounding uses in that immediate area.

The Commissioners approved a Special Review Use Permit for Northwest Emergency Medical Services to construct an emergency medical services center and fire station along County Road 2 (Tallahassee Road) and Chris Crossover Drive. The Commissioners had earlier permitted the creation of a 4.02 acre outlot which was carved out of a 39 acre parcel. Fred Lowry and Jerry Seifert donated the parcel of property on the condition that Northwest E.M.S. reach a memorandum of understanding to share the property for a Tallahassee Volunteer Fire Station. Northwest E.M.S. is entirely a volunteer organization supported by donations and private grants.

In other business Tuesday the Board of Commissioners:
  • Approved a zone change for Mike and Dorothy Baxter from Ag Farming and Ranching to Ag Suburban for 9.5 acres on the southeast side of County Road 47 and Highway 50 in the Howard area;
  • Issued a proclamation for the Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments Annual Barbecue Shootout September 15th and 16th at Buckskin Joe;
  • Issued a proclamation for the Royal Gorge Bridge Zebulon Pike Bicentennial Commemoration on July 22nd;
  • Appointed Cindy Madigan, Terri Morkovsky, and Paul Garrett to the Fremont County Weed Advisory Board;
  • Appointed Darlene Luckett to fill a vacancy on the John C. Fremont Library District Board;
  • Approved a special events liquor permit for the Royal Gorge VFW to serve the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's annual August banquet at the airport industrial park;
  • And approved a change order to CL Construction for the Pathfinder Park arena construction in the amount of $6,258.