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July 22nd Commissioners Meeting

July 22nd Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a pair of bid awards for a new warehouse building and fencing at the Fremont County Airport and conducted a public hearing on a grant that would enable the Early Childhood program to move into the old Harrison School in Canon City.

The Commissioners awarded a bid of $55,441 to Cleary Buildings to erect a warehouse-storage structure at the Fremont County Airport to house snow removal equipment. Cleary had the lowest of only two bids submitted. Taylor Fence of Pueblo submitted the lowest of three bids for fencing around the new facility. The Commissioners awarded Taylor Fence the bid in the amount of $23,026. A Federal Aviation Administration grant will pay 95 percent of the cost of the warehouse and fencing.

The Commissioners also conducted a public hearing on a community development block grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs to relocate early childhood programs to the old Harrison Elementary School in east Canon. The $230,500 grant will be used to remodel space at the old Harrison building to house the Echo screening program and other Family Center early childhood network programs and offices.

Echo Coordinator Pam Walker noted that they have had offices in the RE-1 Administration Building for 15 years but the school district now needs the additional space. Echo will utilize 4,700 square feet of space at the old Harrison school with renovation work expected to start next January.

The Commissioners also approved an intergovernmental agreement with the Fremont Sanitation District which would have the county assume ownership and maintenance for the old sewer main on North and South Sherrelwood Drives and Steinmeier at the east edge of Canon City. The sanitation district is installing new sewer mains on those streets and instead of filling and abandoning the old sewer mains they will be left in place in the event funding can be secured to use the old line for a stormwater drain.

In other business the Commissioners approved a property tax abatement of $2,977 to Villa Canon Apartments in Canon City because of a discounted value of the property based on discounted rental rates.