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July 24th Commissioners Meeting

July 24th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners approved a final plat for a new subdivision in the Four Mile area southeast of Canon City at Tuesday's regular meeting. The Cranberry Park subdivision will be built on 11 acres on the northwest corner of Steinmeier Avenue and the railroad crossing. The subdivision would include 24 lots with seven single family town homes and 21 two-family townhouse units. Designer Ron Southard told the Commissioners that storm water drainage issues have now been addressed by providing for a 600,000 gallon detention pond at the entryway and another 50,000 gallon detention pond in the southeast corner. Southard also pledged that the developer will go to work next February on widening the corner over the Oil Creek Ditch at the intersection of Steinmeier and East Main to improve the turning radius for public safety purposes.

The Commissioners also discussed several proposed changes in the Planning and Zoning Department fee schedule. Penalty fees of $150 are proposed for annual reviews of Conditional Use permits and Special Review Use permits. Permit holders are required each year to submit information. If that information is delinquent and the Planning and Zoning staff has to initiate a file search and contact the permit holder, a penalty fee of $150 would be imposed. The cost of annual dog kennel inspections would also go from $100 to $200. Also proposed on the fee schedule is a penalty for persons or companies who start operations without a Conditional Use permit or Special Review Use permit. If they've already operated without a permit then the cost of the permit would be doubled from $1,800 to $3,600. The Commissioners will consider formal adoption of the fee changes at the August 14th regular meeting.

In other business the Commissioners:

  • Approved a temporary use permit for the Fremont County Non-Profit Center Foundation's 8th Annual Belvedere Blues Festival scheduled for Friday, September 7th through Sunday, September 8th at Merlino's Belvedere. A special events liquor permit was also approved for the Blues Fest;
  • Authorized the chairman to appoint a referee to conduct Board of Equalization hearings if the schedule demands;
  • Approved a liquor license renewal for Mary Thurman at Waterhole #1 in Lincoln Park.