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July 8th Deadline for Sculpture Donations

District 1 Commissioner Tim Payne examines the 20 foot tall metal sculpture of John C. Fremont being fabricated by artist Sheldon Roberts. July 8th is the deadline for donations of $100 or more in order for contributors names to be added to a donors plaque

As Cañon City artist Sheldon Roberts nears completion of the John C. Fremont sculpture that will be erected at the entryway of Pathfinder Regional Park later this summer, a deadline has been announced for anyone interested in contributing to creation of the artwork.   The 20-foot tall metal sculpture of John C. Fremont is being fashioned by Sheldon Roberts in commemoration of Fremont’s 200th birthday this year.   The artwork was jointly commissioned by the Cañon City Recreation and Park District and the Fremont County Commissioners as work began earlier this year to complete curbing and landscaping on the roundabout at the park.   Each entity provided $2,500 for a $5,000 commitment from their Conservation Trust Funds (lottery dollars) to place a piece of artwork at the center of the roundabout.

Roberts proposed the metal sculpture at a cost of $20,000 on the condition that he would raise the other $15,000 through public donations.    Any person or business contributing $100 or more will have their names inscribed on a display pedestal across from the sculpture which will list all of the donors.   Fremont County Commissioner Ed Norden said that in order to have the donors’ names inscribed in time for a sculpture dedication in August, a deadline of July 8th has been set for anyone still interested in donating.   Norden said that while the fundraising goal has already been met, any proceeds beyond the $20,000 goal will first go to cover the additional costs of erecting the sculpture and inscribing two informational pedestals.   Besides a pedestal listing the donors’ names, another pedestal will offer details about John C. Fremont, the Great Pathfinder.    Any funds remaining after those costs are met will go to the artist.

If you would like your name listed among the donors for the artwork, you should make your contribution of $100 or more to the “Pathfinder Sculpture Account”.   Mail or deliver your check to the Fremont County Finance Office in the Fremont County Administration Building at 615 Macon Avenue in Cañon City no later than 4 p.m., Monday, July 8th.