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June 24th Commissioners Meeting

June 24th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners on Tuesday adopted a new fee schedule for building and septic system permits and adopted a new policy setting out how property owners can make temporary use of unconstructed county road rights of way.

The board met twice in recent days with County Building Official Mike Cox to review proposed fee increases for building and septic permits. The Commissioners said they wanted to come up with a fee structure that they feel is fair to contractors while still allowing the county to recover the county's costs of office work, field inspections, and travel. The new fee schedule does allow for a fuel surcharge but Cox said he tried to make sure that it was not particularly burdensome on people who live greater distances from Canon City. A copy of the new fee schedule is available at the County Building Department.

The Commissioners voted to adopt a Road and Bridge Department policy regarding "Use of Unconstructed County Road Rights of Way" . At issue is an effort to try to clarify under what circumstances property owners can make temporary use of county road rights of way which are currently not being used for any road accesses. It would restrict an adjoining property owner to use only the portion of the right of way (ROW) to the center of the right of way from the edge of his property. It would not allow any permanent structures; buildings, barns, trees, ditches, pipelines, signs, etc. Any fence in the ROW can be no more permanent than metal or wood posts and wire. The property owner would be responsible for maintenance during such temporary use. If the county or another property owner needed the ROW to provide access to other property the temporary use would have to be vacated.

Over the years the county has had requests or recognized on occasions that property owners make personal uses of county ROW. In some cases disputes have arisen between neighbors over who gets to use such ROW....if it is even available. This policy is intended to offer explanation as to when, why, and how such ROW's might be used.

The board granted a request by Front Range Aggregate to delete a contingency item from their reclamation plan which required the company to provide a mitigation plan for impacts to neighbors' water wells south of the Arkansas River in the Parkdale area across from the Front Range quarry. A consultant recommended by the neighbors to assess the situation said he didn't believe there would be any impact to wells across the river to the south.

The Commissioners required that Front Range Aggregate mail letters to neighbors inviting them to be heard at Tuesday's meeting if they were still concerned about the need for a water well mitigation plan. No neighbors attended so the board voted to delete the contingency item. The issue related to the amended reclamation plan the county OK'd several months ago which would have the quarry turned into a large water storage facility when the quarry is fully reclaimed.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Heard a presentation from CDOT (Colorado Department of Transporation) Engineers regarding a rockfall project in September that will require closings of Highway 50 in the Coaldale area and use of a county road for a detour;
  • Approved a two lot minor subdivision for Stan and Kristina Hinton on 9.39 acres on the northeast corner of 10th and 'A' Streets in the Beaver Park area;
  • Approved transfer of a conditional use permit for the Spotted Burro gravel pit along County Road 123 from Colorado Concrete to Rockbottom LLC;
  • Approved another resolution extending the time for the refunding of revenue bonds authorization for Sangre De Cristo Hospice, and;
  • Approved authorization for the chairman to sign a service agreement with The Engineering Company for the water study in the Pathfinder Park and Brewster area west of Florence.