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June 27th Commissioners' Meeting

June 27th Commissioners' Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners made short order of a brief agenda for their final regular June meeting. The Commissioners approved an agreement with D & T Ventures of St. Cloud, Minnesota, for the Fremont County Assessor's web site services with GIS (Global Information System) maps. The $6,900 annual web site fee is being paid for by the Fremont County Association of Realtors. The Commissioners expressed appreciation to the Realtors for their contribution. Commissioner Ed Norden said that at the June 22nd meeting of the Realtors they voted unanimously to underwrite the cost of the web site after hearing details of Fremont County's fiscal and budgetary problems.

The Commissioners approved Resolution #45 specifying the Board's findings in the June 13th denial of the Honor Paintball facility application for a special use permit. The Board found that the location was not compatible for a commercial use with the surrounding residential neighborhood. The Board also found that the roadways serving the proposed site are private roads maintained by the local residents and that approval of the paintball facility would adversely affect property owners in the Beaver Creek Ranch neighborhood by putting commercially related traffic on those roads.

In other action the Commissioners:

  • Approved a special events beer permit for the Fremont Center for the Arts and the Canon City Recreation District's 'Build Your Own Boat' race on July 8th at 575 Ash Street;
  • Approved a petition for refund of property taxes for Alrene Benedick for $1,829 at 909 South 9th Street in Canon City;
  • Approved a two lot minor subdivision for John Bustos on 9.17 acres on the northwest corner of Highway 115 and 7th Street in the Beaver Park area at Penrose.

Commissioner Ed Norden said that after imposing Stage 2 fire restrictions on June 22nd, Sheriff Jim Beicker reported that the Fremont County Sheriffs' Department Wildland Fire Team had responded to four wildland fires in recent days. The Sheriff reported that 230 hours of volunteer time had been logged by firefighters thus far along with 420 hours of overtime by Sheriff's deputies. Norden said the hot, dry spell and the continued extreme risk of wildfires will put a further strain on the county's cash reserves which are being depleted.