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June 28th Meeting Review

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners authorized more engineering and design work on the County’s portion of the new Pathfinder Park at Tuesday’s regular meeting. The Board adopted a resolution that authorizes an expenditure of up to $60,000 in Conservation Trust Funds (lottery money) with D.H.M. Design and Matrix Engineering. The firms’ work will include master plans for utilities and drainage on Fremont County’s 47 acres at Pathfinder Park along Highway 115 west of Florence. The contract will also include site, grading, and excavation plans for developing an outdoor arena. The arena is targeted for completion by the end of this year.

The Commissioners adopted a resolution formally terminating a moratorium on the issuance of building permits for duplexes in the County which was imposed last spring. On June 14th the Commissioners had approved an amendment to the County’s Zoning Resolution which restricts the construction of two-family dwellings, or duplexes, to only medium and high density residential zone districts. With that amendment in place the moratorium was removed.

The Board approved a resolution which amends a resolution adopted in 2004 for West Fletcher for property on the southwest and southeast corners of ‘N’ Street and Highway 50 at Penrose. When Fletcher’s property was rezoned to a business use there was a requirement that he make necessary intersection improvements and pave a portion of ‘N’ Street. Because that requirement was cost prohibitive for Fletcher, the Commissioners approved an alternate plan that requires Fletcher to install a pair of culverts under 15th Street and to put four inches of gravel onto 15th Street between ‘M’ and ‘N’ Streets and for about 300 feet east of ‘N’ Street.

The Commissioners heard another request from Tallahassee area residents who are trying to find a parcel of property on which to build a garage to house an ambulance for Northwest E.M.S. District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden said the Board shares the groups’ frustration in trying to find a solution for where an ambulance garage could legally be constructed. The Board suggested a further workshop meeting with the group to explore alternatives.

The Commissioners Tuesday also…
  • Approved a $6,900 expenditure for a one year contract with D & T Ventures for the County Assessor’s website that provides property information services. The Royal Gorge Association of Realtors is recruiting sponsors to help finance the service for the coming year.
  • Approved a $29,000 contract with G.M.S. Inc. of Colorado Springs for the cost of the North Canon Sanitary Sewer Study. The study will examine a broad area north of Canon City for sanitary sewer service where many septic systems have been failing.
  • Approved a two lot minor subdivision for Madeline Langston for property on the northwest corner of 7th and ‘M’ Streets in the Beaver Park area.