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November 12th Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 12th Board of Commissioners Meeting

After an effort that began nearly two years ago to enlist residents in the North Canon neighborhood to sign contracts for sanitary sewer service it now appears a 30 year wait for sewer service will yield results. The Fremont County Commissioners last week voted unanimously to approve a resolution creating an improvement district for the North Canon Area Sewer Line Extension. The area is generally north of High Street between York and Lawrence Streets and several residences south of High Street between York and Pennsylvania. Many residents have dealt with septic problems for years caused by high water tables and poor soil conditions.

Fremont Sanitation District officials produced contract documents indicating 59 percent of the 176 residences within the boundary area had signed contracts supporting creation of the improvement district and agreeing to pay up to $45 a month over 20 years to repay a $2 million loan.

Sanitation District Manager George Medaris said there are two key components to finance the $3.3 million project. The first is a $1.3 million Community Development Block Grant from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. The project was first estimated to cost $2.6 million but as prices escalated over the past eighteen months the original $500,000 grant application was reworked into a much larger grant. The second financial component is a $2 million loan from the Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority.

Several residents of the area spoke in favor of the project saying it is long overdue. Retired plumber Ed Miles urged the project move ahead because of the public health concern over failing septic systems. Miles said he has excavated on various properties over the year adding, "You can't believe the filth and contamination that is going into the ground out there".

Some residents did voice concern over the $45 monthly debt service charge for 20 years saying they live on limited incomes and don't have the extra money for the monthly charges or the up front cost of removing their septic systems. Commissioner Ed Norden said the commissioners will look into other programs that might offer financial assistance to persons who may meet low income eligibility guidelines.

With creation of the local improvement district the Fremont Sanitation District hopes to advertise for bids by January and award a bid several weeks later. Construction could begin during the winter to target completion by early summer 2009 before an increase in water tables.

In other business the Commissioners:
  • Authorized the chairman to sign the Gold Belt Tour Scenic Byway cooperative agreement;
  • Approved an amendment to the bylaws of the John C. Fremont Library District expanding board membership and approved the appointment of three new library trustees: Fran Beck, Tom Jubar, and Lisa Camerlo;
  • Approved transfer of a conditional use permit for the Table Mountain Quarry along Highway 115 north of Penrose from Castle Concrete to Tezak Heavy Equipment;
  • Authorized the chairman to sign funding documents with the Colorado Division of Housing for Council of Governments home improvement grants;
  • Approved the transfer of several properties from the John C. Fremont Library District to the Penrose Library District;
  • Saluted Fremont County Clerk's Office Chief Deputy JoAnn Ortiz for 28 years of service as she prepares to retire from that post.