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November 14th Commissioners Meeting

November 14th Commissioners Meeting

The announcement of the 2006 Fremont County Employee of the Year highlighted a brief agenda for the Fremont County Commissioners regular meeting Tuesday.

The Commissioners presented the Employee of the Year certificate and a $300 check to Kent DeGarmo, Detention Division Commander at the Fremont County Sheriff's Department. DeGarmo is a 13 year veteran with the Sheriff's Department having started as a detention officer in 1993. He was promoted to Commander to take over the jail administration in 2005. Sheriff Jim Beicker and the County Commissioners credit DeGarmo with helping to get control over spending in the jail through detailed review of inmates' medical claims. DeGarmo was also instrumental in organizing the Sheriff's Department's Wildland Fire Team. The letter nominating DeGarmo for the honor said "he is truly a pleasure to work with.....his positive attitude, efficiency in his position as Commander, as well as involvement in the Wildland Fire Team is just part of the reasons why he should be recognized as Fremont County Employee of the Year".

The Commissioners also approved a resolution which initiates the transfer of some properties in the Penrose area from the John C. Fremont Library District at Florence into the Penrose Library District. District 2 Commissioner Larry Lasha noted that the confusion was uncovered after tax bills were mailed out two years ago after the John C. Fremont District was created. Lasha said that when the Penrose Recreation District was formed years ago a number of agricultural properties were exempted from that district. When the Penrose Library District was formed it followed the same boundaries and included the same properties as the Penrose Recreation District. The problem emerged when the John C. Fremont Library District was formed to include all properties in the RE-2 School District that were not part of the Penrose Library District.

The Commissioners resolution now shifts fifteen parcels of property into the Penrose Library District. It may take a couple more years before all of the affected property owners around Penrose are contacted so they can petition out of the Florence district into the Penrose Library District.

Dave Strom reported to the Commissioners that he and Dennis Withers are making slow but steady progress to secure donations that will help finance the mounting of two Vietnam era helicopters on display stands at the War Memorial Park at the Fremont County Airport. Strom said the Veterans Day spaghetti dinner at the V.F.W. Hall raised over $2,400 that will first help towards the cost of mounting the Cobra helicopter in the park. Anyone willing to contribute to the effort to erect the helicopter displays can contact Strom at 275-2305. Commissioner Ed Norden added his thanks to the efforts by Dennis Withers to clean up the weeds at the War Memorial Park which got out of hand following the heavy rains last July. Withers took it upon himself to mow and pull many of the weeds around the park this past summer.

In other business at Tuesday's meeting the Commissioners:
  • Announced that the Board will conduct two public hearings on the proposed 2007 Fremont County budget. The hearings are set for 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21st;
  • Changed the date of the Board's next regular meeting from November 28th to Monday, November 27th at 9:30 a.m.;
  • Also changed the date of the monthly meeting of the Board of Social Services from November 28th to Monday, November 27th, at 1:30 p.m. The meeting dates were changed because of a conflict with the winter conference of Colorado Counties Inc.