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OTR Hearing Guidelines Set

OTR Hearing Guidelines Set

Guidelines and procedures for the upcoming public hearing on the Over the River project were set by the Fremont County Commissioners during a regular work session Jan. 25.

“We are determined to listen to everyone who wishes to speak,” said Debbie Bell, board chairman. “However, we will insist that speakers and attendees maintain appropriate decorum and respect at all times.”

The public hearing is scheduled Feb. 1 and Feb. 2 to gather input on the Over the River Corp.’s application for a Temporary Use Permit. If approved, the temporary work of art would hang over portions of the Arkansas River for two weeks, most likely during August 2014. The project already has received needed permission from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

The Feb. 1 session will begin at 9 a.m. in the Fremont County Administration Building, 615 Macon Ave., with the application presentation. OTR will be allowed up to 45 minutes, followed by a report from the county’s Planning and Zoning Department. Public comments will begin immediately following. The session will break for lunch from noon to 1:30 p.m. and then resume until 3:30 p.m.

The hearing will continue Feb. 2, 5 to 8:30 p.m. at Cotopaxi School. The session will begin with the applicant giving a brief presentation, followed by public comment. The commissioners also will allow time for their own questions of the applicant, and each session will conclude with the OTR representatives addressing issues brought forth by the speakers.

Everyone who wishes to speak must fill out a speaker information slip and turn it in to either the County Clerk or chairman of the board prior to speaking. Individual speakers will have three minutes to speak, while formally-organized groups will receive 10 minutes. No one will be allowed to donate unused time to another speaker. Participants are asked to avoid reading a prepared statement that already has been submitted as part of the record, which would result in unnecessary duplication of comments.

Signs, banners, placards and other demonstration type displays or outbursts will not be allowed or tolerated. All questions and comments will be directed to the Board of County Commissioners, not to OTR representatives, other individuals or the audience. Personal attacks, grandstanding and outbursts of applause, cheering, booing and similar disrespectful displays also will not be tolerated.

“We hope the hearing will provide sufficient time to give everyone the opportunity to be heard,” Commissioner Bell said. “However, the board will have the option to continue the hearing to an additional date if necessary. We recognize this process will be a long one, but we are determined to complete the hearing in a professional manner. We ask the public to help us by following these guidelines.”

Written public comment also is being accepted. Letters may be sent to the Department of Planning and Zoning, 615 Macon Ave., Room 210, Canon City, CO 81212. E-mails may be addressed to