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Preserve America Designation for Fremont County

Preserve America Designation for Fremont County

A group of twenty Fremont County civic and government leaders was in Denver February 8th to accept Fremont County's 'Preserve America' designation during the 2008 Saving Places Conference. The occasion was Colorado Preservation Inc.'s 11th Annual Historic Preservation Conference. A coalition of Fremont County civic groups which have an ongoing interest in historical preservation came together last fall to organize the effort to become a 'Preserve America' community.

'Preserve America' is a White House initiative developed in cooperation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the U.S. Department of Interior, and the U.S. Department of Commerce. The Fremont County Commissioners adopted a resolution in December pledging that the community will protect and celebrate our heritage, to use historic assets for economic development and revitalization, to encourage local citizens to get involved in education and heritage tourism programs, and to establish a volunteer board to coordinate the various county interests in historic preservation and heritage tourism.

Fremont County was one of two Colorado Counties honored during a noon luncheon at the 'Saving Places' Conference as the newest 'Preserve America' Communities. Commissioner Ed Norden and Fremont Heritage Advisory Board President Dan Grenard accepted the designation certificate signed by First Lady Laura Bush who is honorary chairwoman of the Preserve America program. Over 500 delegates from around Colorado were in attendance. The 'Preserve America' designation represents the availability for the Fremont Heritage Advisory Council and county leaders to pursue federal grants to enhance Fremont County and preserve our history in a manner that has not been afforded us before.