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September 27th Commissioners’ Meeting

Determining how many miniature donkeys make up an animal unit under Fremont County zoning regulations turned into an extensive debate at the County Commissioners regular board meeting. Bill Lowe was seeking approval to permit miniature donkeys on a five acre piece of property in Lincoln Park where he wants to relocate. The zoning district already identifies a number of animals as permitted uses but does not list miniature donkeys or the number of donkeys comprising an animal unit. After the Commissioners debated the issue from points of view of not adding the donkeys to the list at all, to having two donkeys equal one animal unit, the Board finally voted 2 to 1 to allow miniature donkeys at the rate of 1 = 1 animal unit. The Commissioners also said they plan to review the County Zoning Resolution to determine if other animals should be recognized on the list and if any animal unit calculation rates should be reconsidered.

In other business on a brief agenda the Commissioners:

  • Approved a two lot minor subdivision for the Heart 4 Subdivision on the northeast corner of ‘J’ and 6th Street in Penrose. Lot 1 will contain 4.94 acres and lot 2 will contain 4.5 acres.
  • Approved the final plat for a two lot major subdivision for Canon Creek Ranch filing four by Ross Jeffrey in the FourMile area. Lot 1 will contain 9.15 acres and lot 2 will contain 95.28 acres.
  • Approved the final plat for a six lot major subdivision for Cool Commercial filing #1 located on the south side of Highway 50 between ‘L’ and ‘M’ Streets at Penrose. The Commissioners were assured that the plan for a drainage detention pond on lot 6 on the north side of Highway 50 would result in even less stormwater flowing across those properties and the corner of 15th and ‘M’ than has historically been the case.
  • Tabled a three lot minor subdivision for H-D Prairie on the northwest corner of 11th and South Broadway in Penrose to work out concerns over a drainage plan for the property.