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Tire Collection Day a Success

The first community wide tire collection day hosted by the Holcim Company for Fremont County residents on Saturday, September 24th, attracted a lot of interest from citizens. Fremont County and the Upper Arkansas Recycling Program co-sponsored the program with the desire that citizens would use the opportunity to clean up old tires on private property. Keith Krugh of the Holcim Company reported that 1,182 passenger vehicle tires were delivered to the Holcim Plant at Portland along Highway 120 east of Florence. Krugh said that amounted to almost 12 tons of tires. Krugh said residents also got the opportunity to see first-hand how Holcim handles the tires by reducing them to smaller chips before being burnt in the cement kiln.

Tires contain hydrocarbons and pound for pound tires have more fuel value than coal. The intense heat of the kiln ensures complete destruction of the tires. There is no smoke or visible emissions from the tires. In fact, research shows that the use of tires as fuel can actually reduce certain emissions. The Rubber Manufacturers Association estimates that almost 130 million scrap tires were used as fuel in portland cement plants in 2003. The E.P.A. reports that tire derived fuel (TDF) contains about the same energy as oil and 25 percent more energy than coal.

Holcim, Fremont County, and the Regional Recycling Program hopes that from the interest shown in the September 24th tire collection day at Holcim, future recycling days can be scheduled to rid Fremont County and Colorado of old tires.