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Uranium Exploration Review Tops Planning Commission Agenda

Uranium Exploration Review Tops Planning Commission Agenda

The Fremont County Planning Commission will again take up discussion on the proposed expansion of uranium exploration in the Tallahassee area northwest of Cañon City at the Commission’s September 8th meeting.

At the August 3rd meeting the Planning Commission tabled action on a request by Black Range Minerals to expand their mineral exploration area for uranium from the original permitted area on the Taylor Ranch.    Black Range wants to expand the exploration area by another 2,210 acres to a total of 10,379 acres.    The original conditional use permit was issued on July 14, 2008.   The Planning Commission heard from the applicant on August 3rd and allowed public comment from neighbors but tabled any action for another month to allow more time for review.    Action on the request Wednesday would allow time for the Planning Commission’s recommendation to be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners which is slated to consider Black Range’s permit application at their September 14th meeting.

The Planning Commission Wednesday will also hear a zone change request from Agricultural Rural Zone District to Business Zone District on 4.6 acres of land on the northwest corner of Highway 115 and 7th Street at Penrose.    Joe Kahnke is seeking the zone change for the sale of tractors and equipment on the property.

The Commission will also hear a pair of requests for minor subdivisions.   Bryan and Kathy Trogden are requesting approval of a two lot minor subdivision on 4.58 acres of land on the southwest corner of Lombard and Poplar Avenue in Lincoln Park.    Doug and Cathie Brill are requesting approval of a three lot minor subdivision on 44.33 acres of land located 1 ¼ miles northwest of County Road #45 and Highway 50 in the Howard area.

The Planning Commission meets at 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 8th in the Board of Commissioners meeting room at the County Administration Building in Cañon City.