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Water Usage in County Road Maintenance

While recent rain storms will go a long ways towards assisting road crews with maintenance of county roads, the Fremont County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) still relies heavily on the use of water trucks for routine maintenance.    Spring and summer drought conditions and recent emphasis on water conservation due to lower river levels have prompted several calls by citizens to the Department of Transportation Office questioning the use of water trucks on county roads.

FCDOT Director Tony Adamic said while he appreciates citizens’ concerns about water conservation, he said his crews already limit water use to maximize maintenance operations.   But Adamic says the fact is when it comes to road grading, having water trucks available is vital to a successful grading operation.   He notes that water preserves the gravel on the road and extends the useful period of each grading operation, thus saving manpower and equipment time.    Adamic said people need to understand that the county is not simply applying water to control dust, but in fact water is a road management tool.