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Commissioners OK Quarry Expansion & Deny Penrose Bar License

Tezak Tunnel Drive Quarry Expansion Approved

An application sought by T.H.E. Aggregate Source to expand a gravel quarry along Tunnel Drive west of Cañon City won approval by the Fremont County Board of Commissioners following a public hearing on March 12th.   Tezak Heavy Equipment sought a modification to their existing conditional use permit so they can add 83 acres to their existing operation on 216 acres.    79 acres of the expanded area is on federal Bureau of Land Management acreage and already was reviewed and approved by the BLM.

A.T. & T. Improves Wireless Service in Western Fremont County

AT&T has activated two new 4G mobile Internet cell sites that will enhance coverage for area residents and businesses in Fremont and Chaffee Counties.   The new Fremont County site is located on RE-3 School District property along County Road 1A north of the intersection with Highway 50 at Cotopaxi.   A new site in Chaffee County is located near the intersection of Highway 24 and County Road 384 in Buena Vista.

Commissioners OK Airport Taxiway Grant Contract

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners voted last Tuesday to authorize Board Chair Debbie Bell to sign a grant agreement with the Colorado Board of Aeronautics which will lead to construction of a full length parallel taxiway at the Fremont County Airport.  The agreement sets in motion a $3.33 million project that initially began as an application for a runway extension nine years ago.    In 2005 Fremont County was on the waiting list for a $9 million project to extend the runway to the east.   But due to a shift in funding priorities and the financing of ot

Commissioners Complete Fair Board Appointments

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners met in special session Monday morning to complete the work of making appointments to the Fremont County Fair Board.   That task is typically completed before the end of each calendar year, but this year the Commissioners decided to expand the interview process for its’ various volunteer service committees to include the Fair Board.

Commissioners Select New Veterans Service Officer

The Fremont County Board of Commissioners has appointed a new Veterans Service Office to replace Betty Hanawalt who is retiring after five years of service.   At their January 28th regular meeting the Board voted unanimously to select Al Augustine of Cañon City as Hanawalt’s replacement.   Chairman Debbie Bell said the selection was a difficult decision given the fact that there were several qualified applicants.

Tourism Council Awards 2013 Community Events Grants

The Fremont Community Foundation's Annual Holy Smoke Barbecue Competition is among local agencies benefitting from Tourism Council Community Promotion Grants

The Fremont County Tourism Council has awarded $7,000 to 12 local organizations to promote events that will bring visitors to Fremont County. The grants are a part of the council’s mission to increase tourism to benefit the entire county.

Board of Commissioners Reorganize for 2013

District 2 Fremont County Commissioner Debbie Bell will serve another year as Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.    That was the decision of the board during the annual reorganizational meeting on January 8th.   Newly seated District 1 Commissioner Tim Payne was elected as Vice Chairman for 2013.   The Commissioners also elected 2013 officers for the times they meet as the Board of Social Services.   District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden was re-elected Chairman for another year while Commissioner Bell will serve as Vice Chair.   Norden