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December 27th Commissioners Meeting

December 27th Commissioners Meeting

The Fremont County Commissioners spent less than 20 minutes dealing with a very brief agenda for their regular board meeting. The only official item of business was Resolution #2005-78 which adjusted various line items in the 2005 budget. The resolution appropriated additional sums of money to defray expenses in excess of amounts budgeted. The budget amendments changed the totals to $14,160,167 which represented a change in additional appropriations of $1,909,695.

County Finance Director Dana Angel said rather than a matter of additional spending, for the most part the amended appropriations were due to grant monies that the county received during 2005 and the budget amendment has to be made so those funds could be spent. For example $242,000 in additional appropriations in the Emergency Management budget was due to a HomeLand Security grant; there was a $100,000 pass through grant for the Riverwalk trail extension for the City of Cañon City and the Cañon City Recreation District; and another $580,968 also was a flow through grant in the county budget in Cotter Natural Resource Damage Recovery funds for park and trails projects.

District 3 Commissioner Ed Norden repeated a reminder at the meeting of a public hearing set for 10 a.m. at the board’s January 10th regular meeting on proposed increases in zoning and subdivision fees through the Planning and Zoning office. It’s estimated the fees would raise an additional $81,000 in revenue that would pay for the actual cost of providing services to the various developers, contractors, and citizens who submit zoning and subdivision applications.